List of key locations:
Gizhytskyi’s Palace in Novoselytsia
Palace and Park Ensemble ‘Illiashivka Estate’
Gubynske settlement
Church of the Great Martyr Yurii Zmiieborets in Vesnianka
Above the Sluch River
Samchyky State Historical and Cultural Reserve
Master class on Samchyky painting
Starokostiantyniv Castle of the Ostroh Princes (16th century),
Defensive Tower with Dominican Church (16th century),
Church of Ivan the Baptist
Antoniny. Half-timbered town
Brief introductory description:
The Black Way is an ancient branched trade route, used by the Turkic peoples of the Northern Black Sea Coast to migrate from the Left Bank of Ukraine to Zaporizhzhia (Sich), Podillia, Galychyna. The lands of Starokostiantyniv region are the bearers of extremely interesting stories, which we offer you to visit in our tour.
Short description of locations (entrance fee):
The beginning of the tour in Novoselytsia village
Gizhytskyi’s Palace in Novoselytsia
The modern Novoselytsia village was once listed as a farm. It belonged to the great magnates Sangushky until 1725, but later they sold their possessions to Bartolomei Gizhytskyi. Kaetan’s younger brother remained in Novoselytsia and palace in the English Neo-Gothic style was built under his son Liudovik Gizhytskyi. Some data claim that the palace was built in the early 19th century, but there is a more accurate date – 1820. Louis’s son and grandson connected their lives with Austria-Hungary – they got the title of count, but did not forget about the estate and periodically visited it.
Palace and Park Ensemble "Illiashivka Estate"
It is considered the highest point in the village. To this day, the manor park has been preserved, right next to the estate. Currently, the estate has headman and post offices.
Gubynske settlement
On the high bank of the Slavutych River in the Khmelnytskyi region are the ramparts of Gubynske settlement. It is a famous archeological sight. The first mention of the settlement dates back to 1901.
Church of the Great Martyr Yurii Zmiieborets in Vesnianka
As of 1886, the former proprietary Svynna village in the Starokostiantyniv parish of the Starokostiantyniv district of the Volyn province was inhabited by 1,249 people, 215 farmsteads, an Orthodox church, school, and inns. ‘Historical and statistical description of churches ...’ mentions that church resembled a ship and was built ‘according to the general ancient plan’ by a simple self-taught master at the expense of parishioners. The church was Uniate and was assigned to Starokostiantyniv Castle Church of St. Trinity.
Above the Sluch River
Acquaitance with the law of nature of the geographer Karl Behr, put forward by him in 1857, according to which all rivers, flowing in the meridional direction in the Northern Hemisphere, wash the right bank as a result, these banks become high – this principle can be easily traced on the Dnipro River. Here, on the contrary, the right bank is sloping.
15.00 Lunch in nature
Samchyky State Historical and Cultural Reserve
The estate of the 18th-19th centuries is one of the most beautiful and noble in Ukraine. There is some of the best in Ukraine in terms of decoration interiors (Round (Blue) Hall, Large (Red) Dining Room). The only Japanese room in Ukraine is a model of fashion of the early 19th century in Europe, the Chinese house (refrigerator) is unique in terms of technological purpose in the estates of Ukraine, rare in Ukraine pimps of the Khoietski’ palace in 1725.
Master class on Samchyky painting
Samchyky is an art village, a village of Samchyky painting masters. You can order a master class, during which you will draw your own unforgettable pattern of Samchyky painting, your teachers will be the best masters of this unique art form.
Extremely interesting historic town, through which passed the legendary Black Way. There is Dominican Cathedral with a tower of the 16th century, and near the ancient buildings merge the Sluch River and the Ikopot River. That is one of the roads on which the Tatar horde drove slaves to the Crimean Peninsula. And Castle of the Ostroh Princes was so strong that the Tatars never managed to capture it.
Antoniny. Half-timbered town
The village of Krasyliv district. In 1812, Prince Sangushko built a palace and park complex, the decoration of which was the palace. By the middle of the 19th century the estate becomes the property of the Pototski family. The park, the equestrian arena, the estate agent’s house, the entrance gate, the two-storey outbuilding, the gatehouse and the official houses have been preserved.

Returning to Khmelnytskyi