07  January
Prosvita House Logo:link 49 Pylypchuka St.
49 Pylypchuka St.
Khmelnytskyi Regional Association Prosvita named after Taras Shevchenko is a chamber with invisible energy of love in embroidered rushniks on icons, it is a reading room where rare editions are collected, which no other library in Khmelnytskyi has, and which, without exaggeration, is the spiritual treasure of Khmelnytskyi! People's House Prosvita is located in a one-story building on Pylypchuka street, built in 1898. By the way, Pylypchuk Street is one of the oldest in Khmelnytskyi! In addition to the Prosvita House, you will be able to see a whole ensemble of modern style buildings, as well as get acquainted with a monument, which is based on the fragments of a real rocket! The monument was erected in 2002, in honor of the signing an agreement with the mayor of the American sister city of Khmelnytskyi - Modesto.
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