12  March
Mykhailo Shylman`s Mansion Logo:link 84 Hrushevskoho St.
84 Hrushevskoho St.
This little blue house on 84, Grushevskyi street, once belonged to one of the richest industrialists of Proskuriv - Mykhailo Shylman, he established a malt factory, a carpentry factory and one of the best printing houses in the city The Poriadok. And all this at the beginning of the 20th century. In Soviet times, the building housed government agencies (prosecutors, etc.). Today there is an arms shop in the house of Mykhaylo Shylman. The house belongs to the examples of urban manor building of the end of 19th – beginning of 20th century. It is well preserved and almost unchanged and has an architectural value due to the combination of brick style with modernist style elements.
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